Friday, October 2, 2009

Interviews: Do's and Don'ts

So you are going to an interview... I did 6 Mock Interviews on University Students at the University of Calgary today. Made me think of giving some pointers...Let me make this easy on you:

1. Be on time, bring 2 resumes (one for your reference one for them), dress professionally
2. Research the company inside and out and know why you want to work for them
3. Talk about what makes you special; not what you did in a job but what did you accomplish
4. Look them in the eyes, be bold, enthusiastic, real, laugh, have fun...they are people too
5. At the end of the interview tell them how much you want the job and that you would be an excellent fit
6. Follow up by phone, email, or letter
7. If they ask you what is your weaknesses say something funny like "shoes"...and then laugh. Then answer the question properly.

1. Bring a coffe mug, fidget, play with your hair or pen
2. Be arrogant or modest, BE confident
3. Bring up personal issues, struggles, or talk badly about a past employer
4. EVER say "I don't know, sorry"
5. EVER say "I don't have any questions"
6. Ask about salary or compensation in the first interview unless they bring it up
7. Use "umm" and "honestly"

Does this help? Hope so!
