Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Be Happy at Work

Working from 9-5 in an environment that you don't enjoy can negatively impact your well-being. However, it is important to remember that, as many much wiser people have said before me, "Happiness is a Choice."

In these interesting economic times, having a job should be viewed largely as a blessing, as working allows many of us luxuries in life that other people only dream of having. Even your worst or most stressful day in your climate controlled and safe office environment would be a dream vacation for some.

We are lucky and blessed to have the opportunity to work, as it provides us with money to pursue our other interests and provide for those that we love.

If your job is beginning  to seem unbearable, it would be beneficial to try the following:

1) Stop the negative internal dialogue that you may subconsciously be engaging in, the more you think "I hate my job, I hate my job" the more you will hate it.

2) Avoid jumping on the bashing and gossiping bandwagon, as the more you spread negativity the more you will feel negatively about your job.

3) Personalize your work space, bring awesome little items or decorations from home that make you feel good when you look at them.

4) Take little breaks to re-energize. For me personally, the quality of my work and my overall mood improves dramatically when I take a break from staring at my computer screen. I like to stretch and drink water during this time.

5) Lighten up.

6) Respect your co-workers, and even it it is challenging, try not to judge them or demean them, even in your head. Focus on the good qualities that are present in the people that you work with.

7) Eat healthy snacks at work, and try not to OD on coffee on a daily basis. Water is an excellent substitute.

8) Finally, if none of these are working for you, and you find yourself sincerely dreading work everyday, remember that there are many amazing possibilities for employment out there.