Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Video Resumes Are A Must Have!

I wanted to present you with a really great tool to add to your job hunt.

This officially will help you stand out and make people pay attention to you.

This is totally free to use and really fun to do.

It works on the psychology of curiosity.

Are you ready to get reviewed by everyone who you send your resume to?


Here we go...Build a video resume for free on http://www.mayomann.com/

You go to the website, build your video resume for free, be creative and have fun...see examples here: http://www.mayomann.com/jobseekers/

THEN, you send out the video web link with your attached resume to any job that you are applying for.

WHY would you do this? Because people are curious. HR professionals are bored looking through resumes all day long. If you sent them a video resume they could not resist looking at it! Wouldn't you click on it?

Another great thing to do is to add it to your signature in your email as a link. If you don't have a signature in your email I suggest you make one now. You don't need to be working to have a signature.

For Example: Check out my video resume: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV_omSz8WNI

If you are uncomfortable making a video resume I understand. I have another option. No excuses now...

Make a slide show presentation on you as a candidate and what makes you unique. Cover your experience, education, tranferable skills, hobbies, and anything interesting facts about yourself. Use visuals and be creative. You will get noticed. I have only received one of these and the guy was hired in a day...I called him and he said he got 50 phone calls!

For more resume help where all you have to do is pay someone to make it happen please contact our professional resume writer: judy@mycareerfox.com

Good luck out there and let me know if this was helpful by sending me your video resumes and slide shows.

Have a successful day,

Julia Cordray

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