Monday, June 20, 2011

Following up after the Job Interview-by Gavin Redelman

The final stage of nailing the interview is the follow up. After doing all the hard work of preparing for the interview, dressing correctly and being able to answer all the questions which the interviewer asks, the final stage is to follow up from the interview.

Find below a list of the best follow up tactics to use to continue to show your enthusiasm for the role.

Follow up with a letter or email thanking the interviewer for their time and re-expressing your desire for the role and because of your skills and experience you are the right person for the role. A thank you letter not only reiterates your desire, but continues the rapport you already built during the interview.

Rules to follow:
When writing a thank you letter always remember to correctly use their right title and spell their name correctly. Nothing is worse than receiving an email with the persons name spelt incorrectly.

Send your thank you email that evening. You want the interviewer to receive the email in the morning so that they continue to remember who you are and you stay in the forefront of their mind.

Don’t be afraid to follow up with a phone call 3-5 days after the interview. Ideally it is best to ask the interviewer in the interview when they expect to make a decision, but a follow up call is great way to further reiterate your desire for the job.

Do not burn any bridges. You may have felt the interview did not go well or that the role was not for you. That’s ok. Continue your professionalism until the very end. You just never know what else can potentially come from that interview. I have seen cases where the interviewer was impressed with a candidate and although they did not have the right skills for that particular job they created a new position for that candidate.

The big misconception from candidates is that the interviewer does not want to be disturbed with follow up. THIS IS WRONG. Many hiring managers will observe the candidates who do follow up. Stand out from other potential candidates by making sure you follow through to the end.

Example thank you email
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for the position of XYZ . It was a pleasure to meet you, and I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.

Following our discussion I consider that I have all the skills and requirements to fulfil your job. Having been a manager for 3 years and a project manager for 2 years, I have the desire to lead the team in a positive and productive way.

In addition to my technical skills I bring enthusiasm and energy into everything I do in order to get the job done in an efficient and timely manner.

I am very keen on this role and working for company ABC. If you require any further information from me please contact me anytime on XXX XXX XXXX.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.


Your Full Name

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